Cistron A unit of function, i.e. a segment of DNA that determines a single polypeptide chain of a protein molecule or a messenger RNA molecule.
The messenger RNA travels to a ribosome.
The messenger RNA leaves the nucleus to carry out its orders.
The money will help produce new messenger RNA vaccines in Africa.
Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines.
They tested the concept by having mice breathe in genetic material called messenger RNA, or mRNA.
The level of messenger RNA from most genes was the same in both types of people.
Yes, indeed. This is the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which is made with a novel technology called messenger RNA.
It happens when a handful of genes on chromosome 15 aren't transcribed into messenger RNA and therefore aren't expressed.
This one uses messenger RNA. A new technology which poses a major challenge for storage and transportation of the vaccine.
Enzymes in the nucleus find the right section of DNA, then create a copy of these instructions, called messenger RNA.
And my specialty was messenger RNA. Like proteins, messenger RNAs are long chainlike molecules composed of building blocks.
我专长是信使 RNA。 与蛋白质一样,信使 RNA 是由构件组成长链状分子。
Thus messenger RNAs are the language of life.
因此,信使 RNA 是生命语言。
We will see two special types of RNA: messenger RNA, which is known as mRNA, and transfer RNA, which is known as tRNA.
我们将看到两特殊类型 RNA:信使 RNA,称为 mRNA,和转运 RNA,称为 tRNA。
This messenger RNA turns out to be the reality behind the mysterious “florigen.”
这个信使 RNA 原来是神秘“成花素” 背后现实。
To find out the researchers sequenced each cell's messenger RNA, which reflects active genes.
为了找出答案,研究员对每个细胞信使 RNA 进行了测序,它反映了活性基因。
This messenger RNA then travels from the nucleus of the cell to the ribosomes, the protein factories.
然后,这信使 RNA 从细胞核移动到核糖体,也就是蛋白质工厂。
And we knew that we have this messenger RNA technology, which was actually developed for personalized cancer therapy.
我们知道我们拥有这信使 RNA 技术,它实际上是为个性化癌症治疗而开发。
Proteins are made by translating edited transcripts of genes, known as messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules, into chains of amino acids.
蛋白质是通过将被称为信使 RNA (mRNA) 分子基因编辑转录本翻译成氨基酸链而制成。
As their name implies, messenger RNAs carry messages: messages that are translated by your body in order to create proteins.
顾名思义,信使 RNA 携带信息:由您身体翻译以产生蛋白质信息。
So if you get super interested in messenger RNA and you want to learn about it, well, you buy some Moderna stock.